- Kadıköy Florence Nightingale Hastanesi
- Kadıköy Florence Nightingale Tıp Merkezi
- 2017 Kadıköy Florence Nightingale Hastanesi Tıp Merkezi Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları
- 2016 – 2017 Okan Üniversitesi ve Hastanesi Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları
- 2010 – 2011 Beykent Üniversitesi Hastane ve Sağlık Kurumları Yöneticiliği Yüksek Lisan
- 1993 – 1997 Zeynep Kamil Kadın ve Çocuk Hastalıkları Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Uzmanlık Eğitimi
- 1988 İstanbul Üniversitesi Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi Tıp Eğitimi
- İstanbul Tabip Odası
- Türk Pediatri Kurumu
- Milli Pediatri Kurumu
- Zeynep Kamil Anne ve Çocuk Sağlığını Koruma Derneği
- Türk Toraks Derneği
- Viral Hepatitle Savaşım Derneği
- Türk Tabipler Birliği
Uluslararası Hakemli Dergilerde Yayımlanan Makaleler
- Sezer RG, Guran T, Paketçi C, Seren LP, Bozaykut A, Bereket A. Comparison of oral alendronate versus prednisolone in treatment of infants with vitamin D intoxication. Acta Paediatr. 2012 Mar; 101(3):e122-5.doi: 10.1111/j.1651-2227.2011.02497.x.
- İpek IO, Kaçmaz E, Bozaykut A, Sezer RG, Seren LP, Paketci C. Çocukluk çağında demir eksikliği anemisinin plazma tiroid hormonları üzerine etkisi. Türk Pediatri Arşivi. 2011.46(2)129-132.
- Sezer RG, Bozaykut A, Yücel B, Ipek IO, Seren LP, Paketci C. Normal ve Düşük Kilolu Yenidoğanlarda Kordon Kanı Ferritin Düzeylerinin Karşılaştırılması. Türk Pediatri Arşivi. 2010.45.339-342.
- Bozaykut A, İpek İÖ, Özkars MY, Seren LP, Atay E, Atay Z. Effect of BCG Vaccine on Tuberculin Skin Test in 1-6 Year Old Children. Acta Paediatrica. 2002: 91: 235-38.SCI harici yurtdışı hakemli dergilerde yayınlanmış araştırma makalesi:
- Bozaykut A, Sezer RG, Akcan V, Paketci C, Seren LP. Shifting seropositivity for Hepatitis A in children in Istanbul, Turkey, from 1996 to 2011 and evaluation of Hepatitis A-associated risk factors. Clin Res Dev Open Access 2014, 1:1. http://dx.doi.org/10.14437/CRDOA-1-105
- Sezer RG.,Bozaykut A.,Atasever AK.,Aşkan ÖÖ.,Seren LP.,Akyüz G.. Follow-up of hepatic calcification detected by prenatal ultrasound: a case report. 35th UMEMPS Congress (Union of Middle-Eastern and Mediterranean Pediatric Societies), 22-26 October 2014, Antalya.
- Bozaykut A., Sezer RG., Aşkan ÖÖ., Şahin S.,Seren LP.. Hypotonic infant and pathologic fracture. 35th UMEMPS Congress (Union of Middle-Eastern and Mediterranean Pediatric Societies), 22-26 October 2014, Antalya.
- Sezer RG.,Bozaykut A.,Seren LP.,Sak M.,Aşkan ÖÖ., Akyüz G.. Iatrogenic Cushing Syndrome Secondary to Topical-Steroid Administration. 35th UMEMPS Congress (Union of Middle-Eastern and Mediterranean Pediatric Societies), 22-26 October 2014, Antalya.
- Sezer RG, Bozaykut A, Paketçi A, Seren LP, Paketçi C. Evaluation of Risk Factors for Recurrent Wheezing Episodes. World Congress on Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care - PICC 4-7 May 2014, İstanbul
- Sezer RG, Bozaykut A, Aksoy HU, Seren LP, Polat M. Denver Developmental Screening Test Results In Children With Benign Infantile Seizures. World Congress on Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care - PICC 4-7 May 2014, İstanbul
- Bozaykut A, Sezer RG, Aksoy HU, Seren LP, Polat M. Clinical Characteristics Of Children With Benign Infantile Seizures. World Congress on Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care - PICC 4-7 May 2014, İstanbul
- Bozaykut A, Sezer RG, Seren LP. Pediatricians’ awareness of children’s oral health: knowledge, attitudes and practices among Turkish pediatricians. International Association for Adolescent Health 10th World Congress, June 11-13, Turkish Archives of Pediatrics 2013; 48 (Suppl 2):99, İstanbul, Türkiye.
- Bozaykut A, Seren LP, Sezer RG. Training of Pediatricians’ about children’s oral health. International Association for Adolescent Health 10th World Congress, June 11-13, Turkish Archives of Pediatrics 2013; 48 (Suppl 2):99, İstanbul, Türkiye.
- Bozaykut A, Sezer RG, Akcan V, Aydemir G, Tanju IA, Seren LP, Paketci C. Environmental Risk Factors for Hepatitis A. 4th EAPS 2012 Paediatric Congress, 5-9 Ekim 2012, İstanbul, Türkiye.
- Sezer RG, Bozaykut A, Akcan V, Paketci C, Seren LP, Aydemir G, Tanju IA. Shifting Seropositivity For Hepatitis A in Children in Istanbul, Turkey from 1996 to 2011. 4th EAPS 2012 Paediatric Congress, 5-9 Ekim 2012, İstanbul, Türkiye.
- Sezer RG, Bozaykut A, Tanju IA, Aydemir G, Seren LP, Hira S, Özcan Ö. The Relationship Between The First Episode of Wheezing and Matrix Metalloproteinases-9 and-2 and TIMP-1 Levels in Preterm Infants. 4th EAPS 2012 Paediatric Congress, 5-9 Ekim 2012, İstanbul, Türkiye.
- Sezer RG, Bozaykut A, Paketçi C, Seren LP, Aydemir G. Analysis of sweat test results based on age and gender. 33rd UMEMPS Congress 2011, PP25, Amman.
- Sezer RG, Bozaykut A, Paketçi C, Seren LP, Fırat I. Campomelic dysplasia with bicuspid aortic valve: a case-report. 33rd UMEMPS Congress 2011, PP14, Amman.
- Sezer RG, Bozaykut A, Paketçi C, Seren LP. VACTERL Association: a new case with biotinidase deficiency and annular pancreas. 33rd UMEMPS Congress 2011, PP11, Amman.
- Sezer RG, Guran T, Paketçi C, Seren LP, Bozaykut A, Bereket A. Comparision of oral alendronate versus prednisolon treatment of infants with vitamin D intoxıcation.1st PNAE Congress on Pediatric Nursing. 2011. P 0033, İstanbul, Turkey.
- Sezer RG, Ipek IO, Bozaykut A, Senkal E, Seren, LP, Paketci C. Characteristics of Children With and Without Vesicoureteral Reflux. The 26th International Pediatric Association Congress of Pediatrics 2010, p 210, South Africa.
- Bozaykut A, Sezer RG, Ipek IO, Yücel B, Seren LP, Paketci C. Comparison of Iron Status in Cord Blood Of Full Term AGA and SGA Newborns. The 26th International Pediatric Association Congress of Pediatrics 2010, p 113, South Africa.
- Bozaykut A, Ipek IO, Sezer RG,Senkal E, Seren LP, Paketci C. The Relationship of Procalcitonin and Vesicoureteral Reflux in Febrile urinary Tract Infections. The 26th International Pediatric Association Congress of Pediatrics 2010, p 209, South Africa.
- Ipek IO, Sezer RG, Bozaykut A, Kaçmaz E, Seren LP, Paketci C. The Effect of Iron Defiency anemia on Thyroid Hormone Metabolism. The 26th International Pediatric Association Congress of Pediatrics 2010, p 83, South Africa.
- Seren LP, Paketci C, Sezer RG, Bozaykut A, Ipek IO, Cakmakçı S. EDTA-Dependent Pseudothrombocytopenia: Case Report. The 26th International Pediatric Association Congress of Pediatrics 2010, p 138, South Africa.
- Ipek IO, Sezer RG,Senkal E, Seren LP, Paketci C. Urinary Tract Infection in Children. The 26th International Pediatric Association Congress of Pediatrics 2010, p 99, South Africa.
- Seren LP, Paketci C, Bozaykut A, Sezer RG, Bayoğlu D, Ipek IO. The Effect of Zinc defiency on Acute Gastroenteritis. The 26th International Pediatric Association Congress of Pediatrics 2010, p 100, South Africa.
- Paketci C, Seren LP, Sezer RG, Bozaykut A, Ipek IO, Yalcın EU. Cerebro-Costo-Mandibular Syndrome: Case Report. The 26th International Pediatric Association Congress of Pediatrics 2010, p 93, South Africa.
- Sezer RG, Ipek IO, Yalcın EU, Bozaykut A, Paketci C, Seren LP. The Efficacy Of Nebulized Salbutamol, Hypertonic Saline And Salbutamol/Hypertonic Saline Combination In Bronchiolitis. The 2th Excellence in Paediatrics Conference 2010, pp153, London.
- Bozaykut A, Ipek IO, Seren LP, Temel O, Paketci C. Vitamin B12 Deficiency Associated Megaloblastic Anemia in Infancy. 32nd UMEMPS Congress 2009, p74, Dubrovnik.
- Seren LP, Bozaykut A, Ipek IO, Paketci C, Temel O. Seckel Syndrome: Case report. 32 nd UMEMPS Congress 2009, p13, Dubrovnik.
- Ipek IO, Bozaykut A, Seren LP. Bronchiolitis in İstanbul: Viral Etiology in Hospitalized Infants.19th ERS Annual Congress 2009, p4079, Vienna.
- Bozaykut A, Ipek IO, Saracoglu M, Seren LP. Alpha-1 Acid Glycoprotein for The Early Diagnosis of Neonatal Sepsis. 4th Europediatrics 2009, R68, Moscow.
- Bozaykut A, Ipek IO, Seren LP, Arman D, Karaman S, Akyuz U. The Urinary Tract Pathogens And Antibiotic Resistance. 26th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases-ESPID, 571, May 2008, Graz, Austria.