
Üzgünüz, Aradığınız Sonuç Bulunamadı

Aramanızla eşleşen herhangi bir sonuç bulunamadı, lütfen arama terimlerinizi değiştirerek tekrar deneyiniz.



Ataşehir Florence Nightingale Hastanesi Genel Cerrahi
  • Ataşehir Florence Nightingale Hastanesi
  • 2021 Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Genel Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı Başkanlığı
  • 2015 European Institute of Oncology, Breast Center, Milan, Italy Seneloji (Meme Bilimi) Sertifika Programı
  • 2014 Vivantes Hospital, Breast Center, Berlin; Germany Meme Cerrahisi Observership
  • 2012 Haydarpaşa Numune Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Genel Cerrahi Doçent
  • 2000 Haydarpaşa Numune Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Genel Cerrahi İhtisası
  • 1995 İstanbul Üniversitesi Anatomi Anabilim Dalı İhtisası
  • 1989 Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Tıp Eğitimi
    • Erken posttransplant renal osteopatide  risk faktörleri ve vitamin D reseptör gen polimorfizmlerinin kemik mineral yoğunluğunu üzerine etkisi (2010). Eskişehir organ nakli vakfı özel ödülü. Ozel L, Ata P, Ozel MS, Toros AB, Kara M,  Unal E, Canbakan M, Erdogrul G, Aktas GE,  Titiz MI,
    • İstanbul Tabip Odası
    • Türk Cerrahi Derneği 
    • Türk Senoloji Derneği
    • European Academy of Senology üyeliği
    • Breast Competence Club üyeliği
    Uluslararası Hakemli Dergilerde Yayımlanan Makaleler
    • Ozel L, Talu M, User Y, Aydın N, Marur T." Coexistence of a Meckel's diverticulum and a urachal remnant". Clin Anat.18(8):609-12,  2005.
    • Toros SZ, Toros AB, Yüksel OD, Ozel L, Akkaynak C, Naiboglu B. Association of "laryngopharyngeal manifestations and gastroesophageal reflux". Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 266(3):403-9, 2009.
    • Ozel L, Ozel MS, Toros AB, Kara M, Ozkan KS, Tellioglu G, Krand O,  Koyuturk M, Berber I.  Effect of early preoperative 5-fluorouracil on the integrity of colonic anastomoses in rats ”, World J Gastroenterol. 15 (33): 4156-62 ,2009.
    • Kara M, Tellioglu G, Krand O, Fersahoğlu T, Berber I,  Erdoğdu E, Ozel L, Titiz I. Predictors of hypocalcemia occuring after total/near total thyroidectomy. Surgery Today. 39 (9):752-57, 2009.
    • Toros SZ, Toros AB, Ozel L, Çatal BE, Kınış V, Zorlu A, Habeşoğlu TE, Naiboğlu B, Egeli E. Investigation of gastric pepsinogen in middle ear fluid of children with glue ear. Acta Otolaryngol. 130(11):1220-24, 2010.
    • Toros SZ, Ozel, L, M.. Yekrek M, AB Toros, Naiboglu B, Kara M, Erdoğdu E, Egeli E, Titiz MI. Does thyroid gland examination by palpation alter serum hormone levels? Laryngoscope. 120(7):1322-25, 2010.
    • Kara M, Tellioglu G,  Bugan U, Krand O, Berber I,  Seymen P, Eren PA, Ozel L, Titiz MI. Evaluation of intraoperative parathormon measurement for predicting successive surgery in patients undergoing subtotal/total parathyroidectomy due to secondary hyperparathyroidism.  Laryngoscope. 120(8):1538–44, 2010.
    • Ozel MS, Ozel L, Toros SZ, Marur T, Yıldırım Z, Erdoğdu E, Kara M, Titiz MI. Denervation point for neuromuscular blockade on lateral pectoral nerves: a cadaver study. Surg Radiol Anat. 33:105-8, 2011.
    • Toros AB, Toros SZ, Ozel L, Ersoz F, Saglam M, Sametoglu F. Comparative outcomes of antireflux treatment for laryngopharyngeal reflux symptoms and upper abdominal symptoms in patients with endoscopic esophagitis. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol.  268(5):703-8, 2011.
    • Toros AB, Toros SZ, Aker F, Ersoz F, Derin A, Kesici B, Ozel L. Histopathological changes of rat kidney with exposure to chronic thinner inhalation. Ren Fail.;33(1):15-8, 2011.
    • Ozel L, Ata P, Ozel MS, Toros AB, Kara M, Unal E, Canbakan M, Erdogrul G, Aktas G E, Titiz MI. Risk Factors for Osteoporosis After Renal Transplantation and Effect of VDR Bsm I Polymorphism. Transplant Proc.43(3):858-62, 2011.
    • Toros SZ,  Toros  AB, Kaya KS, Deveci I, Ozel L, Naiboğlu B, Habeşoğlu T, Egeli E.A study to detect Helicobacter pylori in adenotonsillar tissue. Ear Nose Throat J. 90(4): 32-5, 2011
    • Ozel  L, Krand O, Ozel M.S, Toros AB, Sağıroğlu J, Kara M, Erdoğdu E, Yiğit B, Çavdar F, Titiz M I. Elective and Emergency Surgery in Chronic Hemodialysis Patients. Renal Failure. 33(7):672-6, 2011.
    • Unal A, Sayharman SE, Ozel  L, Unal E, Aka N, Titiz I, Kose G. Acute abdomen in pregnancy requiring surgical management: a 20-case series. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 159(1):87-90,  2011.
    • Ozel  L, Unal A, Unal E, Kara M, Erdoğdu E, Krand O, Güneş P, Karagül H, Demiral S, Izzet Titiz M. Granulomatous mastitis: is it an autoimmune disease? Diagnostic and therapeutic dilem mas. Surg Today. 42(8):729-33, 2012.
    • Ozel  L, Toros SZ, Unal E, Kara M, Eren PA, Canbakan M, Kucuk M, Titiz I. Ramsay Hunt syndrome with atypical progress in a renal transplant recipient: a case report. Exp Clin Transplant. 9(6):413-6,  2011.
    • Ozel L, Sagiroglu J, Unal A, Unal E, Gunes P, Baskent E, Aka N, Titiz MI, Tufekci EC. Abdominal wall endometriosis in the cesarean section surgical scar: a potential pitfall. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 38(3): 526-30, 2012.
    • Ozel L, Marur T, Unal E, Kara M, Erdoğdu E, Demir T, Berber I, Gurkan A, Kiliçoğlu G, Bakal N, Titiz MI. Avoiding abdominal flank bulge after lumbotomy incision: cadaveric study and ultrasonographic investigation. Transplant Proc. 44(6):1618-22, 2012.
    • Ata P, Canbakan M, Kara M, Ozel  L, Unal E, Titiz Mİ. Serum flow cytometric c1q binding antibody analysis of renal recipients with low levels of sensitization. Transplant Proc.;44(6):1652-5, 2012.
    • Kara M, Demir F, Ata P, Ozel  L, Gumrukcu G, Unal E, Canbakan M, Gucun M, Esadoglu V, Ozdemir E, Cemel H, Titiz MI. The impact of c4d staining as a humoral injury marker. Transplant Proc. 2012 Jul;44(6):1694-6.
    • Ata P, Cetinkaya F, Ozgezer T, Ozel L, Tulunay A, Eksioglu E, Titiz MI. Flow Cytometric Detection of Anti-AB Antibody Titers in Blood Group O Recipients of Blood Group A2 Donor Kidneys. Transplant Proc. 44(6):1706-9, 2012.
    • Ata P, Kara M, Özdemir E, Canbakan M, Gökçe AM, Bayraktar FA, Şahin G, Ozel L, Titiz MI. Monitoring of CD3(+) T-cell count in patients receiving antithymocyte globulin induction after cadaveric renal transplantation. Transplant Proc. 45(3):929-31. 2013.
    • Gökçe AM, Ozel L, Ibişoğlu S, Ata P, Sahin G, Gücün M, Kara VM, Ozdemir E, Titiz MI. A Rare Reason of Ileus in Renal Transplant Patients With Peritoneal Dialysis History: Encapsulated Peritoneal Sclerosis.Exp Clin Transplant. 2014 Oct 21. doi: 10.6002/ect.2014.0036. [Epub ahead of print]Gökçe AM.,Fındık H, Ata P,Gümrükçü G, Ozel L, Gündoğdu K, Yazıcıoğlu B, Titiz MI, Relati
    • onship of Urothelial Gene Expressions in Urine Deprived Bladders  of renal recipients With Posttransplant Urinary Infections. Transplant Proc. 2015 hun; 47(5): 1331-5. Pmıd:26093712.
    • Gökçe AM. KayaC, Kara VM, Ozel L, Ruhi C, Titiz MI. Effects of Urethral Stricture on Allografts in Kidney Transplantation. Transplant Proc. 2015 Jun;47(5):1336-9. Doi:10.1016/j.transproceed.2015.04.072. PMID:26093713.
    • DemirT, Ozel L.,Gökçe AM, Ata P, Kara M, Eriş C, Özdemir E, Titiz MI. Cancer Screening of Renal Transplant Patients Undergoing Long-Term Immunosuppressive Therapy. Transplant Proc.2015 Jun:47(5):1413-doi:10.1016/j. transproceed. 2015.04.073. PMID:26093731
    • Tekeşin K, Bayrak S, Esatoğlu V, Özdemir E, Ozel L, Kara VM. D Dimer and Carcinoembryonic Antigen  Levels : Useful Indicators for Predicting the Tumor Stage and Postoperative Survival. Gastroenterol res Pract. 2016; 4295029. PMID: 2761789.
    • Ozel L,Kara VM, sunamak O, Karagüllü H, sağıroğlu J, İlhan O, Aker F. skin –Areola Nipple Sparing, and Subcutaneous Mastectomy and Immediate Implant-Based Breast reconstruction Using a Titanium- Coated Polypropylene Mesh. J Breast Health (2013). 2015 Jul1;11(3):141-143. PMID:28331710.
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