- Kadıköy Florence Nightingale Hastanesi
Yeditepe Üniversitesi Hastaneleri
Doçent Doktor, KBB ABD Öğretim Üyesi - 2014 University Voice Center, Department of Otolaryngology and Head&Neck Surgery, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, USA Clinical and Research Fellow
- 2007 Department of Otolaryngology and Head&Neck Surgery, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, USA Visiting Fellowship
Department of Otolaryngology and Head&Neck Surgery, Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, USA
Visiting Fellowship - 2007 George Washington University, Voice Treatment Center, Department of Otolaryngology and Head&Neck Surgery, Washington D.C., USA Visiting Fellowship
- 2002 Dr. Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi KBB Uzmanlık Eğitimi
Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültes
Tıp Eğitimi
- European Phoniatrics Voice Award 2016 (ikincilik ödülü) Voice outcomes following treatment of strictly defined benign mid-membranous vocal fold lesions. Akbulut S, Gardner-Schmidt J, Smith LJ, Young VN, Gillesepie AI, Rosen CA.
- European Phoniatrics Hearing Award 2016 (üçüncülük ödülü) Efficacy of CPAP on middle ear atelectasis: A double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial. Akbulut S, Demir MG, Salepci BM, Gungor GA, Demir N, Berk D, Cakan D.
- Union of the European Phoniatricians (Türkiye Ulusal Koordinatörü)
- Ses Konuşma ve Yutma Bozuklukları Derneği (Onur Kurulu Üyesi, Önceki Dernek Başkanı, Eski Genel Sekreter ve Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi)
- Türk Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Derneği
- İstanbul Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Derneği
- Profesyonel Ses Derneği
- Türk Tabipler Birliği
Uluslararası Hakemli Dergilerde Yayımlanan Makaleler
- Sivri B, Sezen OS, Akbulut S, Coşkuner T. The effect of continuous positive air pressure on middle ear pressure. Laryngoscope 2013 May;123(5):1300-1304
- Akbulut S, Altıntaş H, Berk D, Sezen O, Barışık NO. Everolimus-coated tympanostomy tube on rat tympanic membrane. Int J Ped Otolaryngol 2013 Jul;77(7):1147-1151.
- Akbulut S, Altıntaş H, Oğuz H. Videolaryngostroboscopy versus microlaryngoscopy for the diagnosis of benign vocal fold lesions:a prospective clinical study. Eur Arch Otolaryngol 2015 Jan; 272(1):131-6.
- Akbulut S, İnan R, Altıntaş H, Gül I, Berk D, Paksoy M. Vocal fold paresis accompanying vocal polyps. Eur Arch Otolaryngol 2015 Jan; 272(1):149-57.
- Akbulut S, Altıntaş H, Berk D, Barışık NO. Extending myringotomy patency with topical everolimus in rats. Adv Clin Exp Med 2016 Jan-Feb; 25(1):5-10.
- Akbulut S, Gardner-Schmidt J, Smith LJ, Young VN, Gillesepie AI, Rosen CA.Voice outcomes following treatment of strictly defined benign mid-membranous vocal fold lesions. Laryngoscope 2016 Feb;126(2):415-20.
- Akbulut S, Demir MG, Salepci BM, Gungor GA, Demir N, Berk D, Cakan D. Efficacy of continuous positive airway pressure on middle ear atelectasis: A double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial. Laryngoscope 2016 Jul;126(7):1649-55.
- Tezcan K, Akbulut S, Demir MG, Demir S, Ozderya A, Temizkan S, Sargın M. Voice characteristics associated with polycystic ovary syndrome. Laryngoscope 2016 Sep;126(9):2067-72
- Akbulut S, Madden LL, Ferguson BJ, Rosen CA. TNF-α inhibitor as a cause of refractory suppurative laryngitis and rhinosinusitis. Ear Nose Throat J 2017 Sep;96(9):E34-35.
- Esen Aydınlı F, Akbulut S, Özcebe E, Kuşçu O, Yılmaz T, Rosen CA, Gartner-Schmidt J. Validity and reliability of the Turkish Singing Voice Handicap Index-10. J Voice. 2020 Mar;34(2):304.e9-304.e15.
- Akbulut S, Esen Aydınlı F, Özcebe E, Kuşçu O, Yılmaz T, Rosen CA, Gartner-Schmidt, J. Reliability and validity of the Turkish Reflux Symptom Index. J Voice. 2020; Nov 34(6): 965.e23-965.
- Yılmazer R, Karatay E, Akbulut S, Alkan Z, Sarıkaya B. Anatomical landmarks for cochlear implantation in ossified cochleas. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2020; 277:3301-06.
- Oğuz H, Kaytez SK, Akbulut S. Injection laryngoplasty materials (Enjeksiyon laringoplasti materyalleri). J Clin Anal Med 2013; 4(4):340-343.
- Akbulut S, Berk D, Demir G, Kayahan S. Myopericytoma of the tongue: A case report. Acta Medica (Hradec Kralove) 2013;56(3):124-125.
- Yılmaz HB, Akbulut S, Paksoy M, Şanlı A. Fibrous dysplasia of the inferior turbinate. Int J Surg Res Pract 2014;1:2 (Online published, Nov 30, 2014).
- Aydın S, Demir MG, Akbulut S, Altıntoprak N, Başak K. Recurrent pleomorphic adenoma of submandibular region. SAJ Case Reports 2014;1(3):302.
- Demir MG, Berk D, Akbulut S, Basak K. Sarcomatoid carcinoma of larynx: case report. SAJ Case Reports 2015;1(3):302.
- Akbulut S, Demir MG, Basak K, Paksoy M. Maxillectomy for cementifying osseous dysplasia of the maxilla: a case report. Acta Medica (Hradec Kralove) 2015;58(1):32-34.
- Demir MG, Paksoy M, Şanlı A, Akbulut S, Aydın S, Yılmaz HB, Eser MB. Subjective and objective evaluation of voice and pulmonary function in partial laryngectomised patients. Integrative Cancer Science and Therapeutics 2016 Volume 3(1): 349-353 doi: 10.15761/ICST.1000168.
- Akbulut S, Inan R, Demir MG, Cakan D. Laryngeal electromyography is helpful for Cardiovocal syndrome. Acta Medica (Hradec Kralove 2016;59(1):29-32. doi: 10.14712/18059694.2016.53.
- Başak K, Günhan Ö, Akbulut S, Aydın S. Salivary gland anlage tumor of the nasopharynx: A case report and review for histopathological characteristics. Malaysian J Pathol 2019; 41(3) : 345 – 350.