- Gayrettepe Florence Nightingale Hastanesi
- 2011 Bern Üniversitesi Kadın Hastanesi Endoskopik Robotik Cerrahi Eğitimi
- 1996 Dr. Zekai Tahir Burak Hastanesi Yardımcı Üreme Teknikleri / IVF (Tüp Bebek)
- 1995 Sevgi Hastanesi Jinekolojik Kanser Cerrahisi
- 1990 Dr. Zekai Tahir Burak Hastanesi Yardımcı Üreme Teknikleri / IVF (Tüp Bebek)
- 1986 Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Yüksek Lisans
• Türk Jinekoloji Derneği
• Ankara Jinekoloji Derneği (1999-2001 yönetim kurulu üyesi )
• Ankara Tabipler Odası
• Türk Alman Jinekoloji Derneği
• Jinekolojik Endoskopi Derneği
• Türkiye Menapoz Derneği
• Özel Tüp Bebek Merkezleri Derneği
Uluslararası Hakemli Dergilerde Yayımlanan Makaleler
• Gunenc Z; Bingol B; Gedikbasi A; Yesildaglar N; Erkaya S. Opinions concerning male and female sterilisation in Turkey The European Journal of Contraception&ReproductiveHealthCare 2009; 14(5):1-4.
• Bingol B; Gunenc MZ, Yılmaz M, Biri A, Tiras B, Guner H. Effects of lower dose hormone therapy on glycemic control, lipid metabolism and cardiovascular risk parameters. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2010; 281: 857-864.
• Gedikbasi A, Oztarhan G, Gunenc Z, Yıldırım G, Arslan O, Yıldırım D, Ceylan Y. Preeclampsia due to nonimmun fetal hidrops, Mirror sydrome and review of literature. Hypertension In Pregnancy, 2010; doı:10.3109/ 10641950903323244.
• Karaman Y, Bingol B, Gunenc Z, Akın O. Enterobius vermicularis infection in uterine cavity mimicking endometrial cancer: a case report. Gynecological Surgery 4:217-219, (2007).
• Karaman Y, Bingol B, Gunenc MZ. Prevention of complications in laparoscopic hysterectomy, experience with 1120 cases performed by a single surgeon. Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology. Jan-Feb;14(1):78-84.(2007).
• Günenc MZ, Bingol B, Yesildaglar N. Laparoscopic management of cornual ectopic pregnancy associated with trophoblastic disease, a case report. Gynecological Surgery,4;201-207, (2007).
• Karaman Y, Bingol B, Günenc MZ. Laparoscopic transabdominal isthmic cerclage in a case of cervical agenesis and a successful pregnancy with ICSI: a case report. Gynecological Surgery. ISSN:1613-2076 (print);1613-2084, July, (2006).
• Onalan R, Onalan G, Günenc Z, Karabulut E. Combining 2nd-trimester maternal serum homocysteine levels and uterine artery doppler for prediction of preeclampsia and isolated intrauterine growth restriction. Gynecol Obstet Invest;61(3):142-8. (2006).
• Günenç MZ, Yesildaglar N, Bingol B, Onalan G, Tabak S, Gokmen B. The safety and efficacy of direct trocar insertion with elevation of the rectus sheath for pneumeoperitoneum Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy and Percutaneous Techniques Apr; 15 (2):80-1. (2005).
• . Onalan G, Onalan R, Selam B, Akar M, Günenc Z, Topcuoglu A. Mood scores in relation to hormone replacement therapies during menopause: a prospective randomized trial. Tohoku J Exp Med. Nov;207(3):223-31, (2005).
• Yeşildağlar N, Erkaya S, Uygur D, Göl K, Bingöl B, Günenç Z. Efficacy of pulsed estrogen therapy in relatively younger patients with surgically induced menopause Hum Reprod. 19 (1); 210-213, (2004).
• Gedikbaşı A, Akyol A, Günenç Z, Yıldırım G, Sudolmuş S, Canaz E, Ceylan Y. Outcomes of second trimester pregnancy terminations in prior ceserean section: comparing of two regimens. 19. World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hamburg, 2009 (sunum).
• Gedikbaşı A, Öztarhan K, Günenç MZ, Yıldırım G, Arslan O, Yıldırım D, Ceylan Y. Preeclampsia due to fetal non immune hidrops. Mirror syndrome and review of literature. 19. World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hamburg, 2009 (poster).
• Halicigil C, Günenç Z, Akman M.A, Bingol B, Avcil F, Erol P, Gunduz S, Ozden H, Karaman Y. The comparison of five percent and ten percent oxygen concentration in human embryo culture in terms of IVF/ICSI outcome. 23rd qnnual meeting of ESHRE, Lyon, France. 2007(sunum)
• Karaman Y, Akman MA, Gunenc Z, Gunenc B, Erol P, Ozden H, Gunduz S, Avcıl F, Halıcıgil C. Comparison of glass syringe (Hamilton) and tuberculin syrşnge (Braun_ F.inject) for embryo tranfer in IVF&ICSI cycles. ESHRE, Lyon, France. 2007(poster).
• Günenç MZ, Yesildaglar N, Bingöl B., Önalan G, Tabak S, Gökmen B. The safety and efficacy of direct trocar insertion with elevation of the rectus sheath for pneumeoperitoneum. ESGE, Strasbourg, Fransa, 2006 (sunum)