İstanbul Hôpital Florence Nightingale Chirurgie générale
  • İstanbul Hôpital Florence Nightingale
  • 2005 Hôpital Florence Nightingale d'Istanbul Chirurgie générale
  • 2002 Faculté de médecine de l'IU Capa Chirurgie générale
  • 1998 Faculté de médecine de l'IU Capa Éducation médicale
    • Société internationale de chirurgie vasculaire
    • Société européenne de chirurgie vasculaire
    • Asoğlu O, Müslümanoğlu M, İğci A, Özmen V, Karanlık H, Ayalp K, Bozfakıoğlu Y, Keçer M, Parlak M: Breast conserving surgery after primary chemotherapy in locally advanced breast cancer. Acta Chir Belg. 105 (1): 62-68, 2005.
    • Aksoy M, Güloğlu R, Kuzkaya M, Ayalp K, Kurtoğlu M. “The value of clinical and noninvasive investigation in peripheral arterial injuries”, Journal of BAVS. 3:4-8, 2004.
    • Aksoy M, Basar Y, Salmayenli N, Ayalp K, Genc FA, Dilege S, Kayabali M, Baktiroglu S, Kurtoglu M: Hyperhomocysteinemia in patients with vascular occlusive disease. Surg Today. 36(4):327-31, 2006.
    • Kurtoglu M, Aksoy M, Ayalp K, Dural C. Civilian Vascular Trauma Reviewed in a University Hospital. Chapter 27 Controversies and Updates in Vascular Surgery. Ed. Becquemin JP, Yves SA., Watelet J. Pp 169-75. Edizioni Minerva Medica, Torino, Italy, 2005.
    • Aksoy M, Turnadere E, Ayalp K, Ertugrul B, Bilgic L, Kayabali M: The Efficacy of Cyanoacyrlate as a Wound Closure Technique in the Prevention of Prosthetic Vascular Graft Infections through Contamination.  Surg Today. 36(1):52-6, 2006. 
    • Aksoy M, Yanar H, Taviloglu K, Ertekin C, Ayalp K, Yanar H, Guloglu R, Kurtoglu M: Rupture of abdominal aortic aneurysm into sigmoid colon: a case report. World J Gastroenterol. 14;12(46):7549-50, 2006. 
    • Guven K, Rozanes I, Kayabali M, Aksoy M, Ayalp K, Acunas B: Endovascular repair of an abdominal aortic aneurysm in a patient with horseshoe kidney demonstrating the nonend artery nature of an accesory isthmic artery. Eur J Radiol Extra. 67(3): 125-128, 2008.
    • Ganiyusufoglu AK, Ayalp K, Ozturk C, Sakallioglu U, Ozer O: Intraosseous leiomyoma in a rib: A case report. Acta Orthop Belg. 2009 Aug;75(4):561-5.
    • Toker A, Ayalp K, Grusina-Ujumaza J, Kaba E: Resection of a bronchogenic cyst in the first decade of life with robotic surgery. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2014 Aug; 19(2): 321-3.
    • Toker A, Ayalp K, Uyumaz E, Kaba E, Demirhan O, Erus S: Robotic lung segmentectomy for malignant and benign lesions. J Thorac Dis. 2014 Jul; 6(7): 937-42.
    • Demir A, Ayalp K, Ozkan B, Kaba E, Toker A:  Robotic and video-assisted thoracic surgery lung segmentectomy for malignant and benign lesions. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2015 Mar; 20(3): 304-9.
    • Oral K, Ezelsoy M, Ayalp K, Kayabali M: Hybrid vascular surgery approaches for multilevel arteriel occlusive disease. The Heart Surgery Forum. #2014-390. 18(1) 2015. 
    • Ayalp K, Kaba E, Demirhan O, Ozyurtkan MO, Toker A: A late visceral hernia after diaphragmatic flap coverage of the bronchial stump. J Thorac Dis. 2015 Jul;7(7):E198-200. Doi:10.3978/j.issn.2072-1439.2015.07.11.
    • Toker A, Ozyurtkan MO, Kaba E, Ayalp K, Demirhan O, Uyumaz E: Robotic anatomic lung resections: the initial experience and decription of learning in 102 cases. E.Surg Endosc. 2016 Feb;30(2):676-683. Doi:10.1007/s00464-015-4259-x.
    • Kaba E, Ozyurtkan MO, Onat L, Ayalp K: Spinal cord ischemia after radical pleurectomy/decortication operation for mesothelioma. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2016 Dec;50(6):1212-1214. Doi:10.1093/ejcts/ezw2017.
    • Toker A, Ozyurtkan MO, Demirhan O, Ayalp K, Kaba E, UyumazE: Lymph node dissection in surgery for lung cancer: Compariion of Open vs Video-Assisted vs Robotic-Assisted Approaches. Ann Thorac Cardiovas Surg. 2016 Oct 20;22(5):284-290. doi:10.5761/atcs.oa.16-00087.
    • Toker A, Kaba E, Ayalp K, Ozyurtkan MO: Robotic lung resectios: video-assisted thoracic surgery based method. J Vis Surg. 2017 Feb 13;3:15. doi:10.21037/jovs.2017.01.08. Ecollection 2017.
    • Kaba E, Cosgun T, Ayalp K, Alomari MR, Toker A. Robotic thymectomy-a new approach for thymus. J Vis Surg. 2017 May 8;3:67. doi:10.21037/jovs.2017.03.28. Ecollection 2017. 
    • Kaba E, Ozyurtkan MO, Ayalp K, Cosgun T, Alomari MR, Toker A: Salvage thoracic surgery in patients with lung caner: potential indications and benefits. A J Cardiothorac Surg. 2018 Jan 22;13(1):13. doi:10.1186/s13019-018-0693-x.
    • Kaba E, Cosun T, Ayalp K, Toker A: Robotic thymectomy for myastenia gravis. Ann Cardiothorac Surg. 2019 Mar;8(2):238-291. Doi:10.21037/acs.2019.02.02. 
    • Cosgun T, Kaba E, Ayalp K, Toker A: Successful sleeve resectio as a marker for proficiency for Robotic Pulmonary Resection. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 21019 Sep 15. doi: 10.1055/s-0039-1696952. 
    • Cosgun T, Kaba E, Ayalp K, Elbegi IC, Toker A: Haemangioendothelioma: a disease with surgical options fro robotic surgery to open superior vena cava replacement. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2019 Sep 1;29(3):449-452. doi: 10.1093/icvts/ivz109.
    • Aksoy M, Dilege S, Ayalp K, Genc FA, Baktiroglu S, Kurtoglu M, Kayabalı M. “Ekstremite kurtarılmasında popliteo-distal by-pass’ların erken dönem sonuçları’’ Damar Cerrahisi Dergisi 1:7-11, 2002.
    • Aksoy M, Ayalp K, Kayabali M, Kurtoglu M, Sentürk M. ‘’Karotis endarterektomi adaylarında perioperatif kardiyovasküler morbidite ve mortalite riskinin transtorasik ekokardiografi ile degerlendirilmesi’’.  Damar Cerrahisi Dergisi 13 (1): 1-4, 2004. 
    • Ayalp K, Aksoy M, Serin K, Başar Y, Salmayenli N, Sivas A, Genç Ata F: Periferik vasküler hastalıkta High-Sevsitive C Reaktif Proteinin (hs-CRP) Diagnostik Önemi. Damar Cerrahisi Dergisi 14 (1): 25-28, 2006. 
    • Basar Y, Ayalp K: The relationship of venous thromboembolism with plasma ACE levels and ACE gene Polimorphism. Damar Cerrahisi Dergisi 15(1): 1-5, 2006.
    • Kaba E, Ozkan B, Ozyurtkan MO, Ayalp K, Toker A: Superior vena cava resection in mediastinal tumors and benign diseases. Turk Gogus Kalp Damar Cerrahisi Derg. 2018 Jan 9;26(1):99-107. doi: 10.5606/tgkdc.dergisi.2018.1492. eCollection 2018. 
    • Cosgun T, Kaba E, Ayalp K, Toker A: An antiquated contraindicatin for minimally invasive lung surgery: No place to staple the bronchus.  Turk Gogus Kalp Damar Cerrahisi Derg. 2019 Oct 23;27(4):521-525. doi: 10.5656/tgkdc.dergisi.2019.17315. Ecollection 2019.
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