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İstanbul Spitalul Florence Nightingale Ortopedie și Traumatologie
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turc engleză german
  • 2013 Spitalul Florence Nightingale din Istanbul Ortopedie și Traumatologie / Centrul Scolioză și Coloanei vertebrale
  • 2013 Centrul de scolioză și coloană vertebrală din Istanbul / Spitalul Şişli Florence Nightingale Șef Clinică Secție Ortopedie și Traumatologie
  • 2004 Universitatea din Istanbul profesor doctor
  • 1991 Sapparo Japonia, (Dr. Kiyoshi Kaneda)
  • 1990 Minnesota Spine Center Ortopedie și Traumatologie
  • 1966 Universitatea din Istanbul Profesor asociat
  • 1989 Universitatea din Istanbul Asistent de cercetare
  • 1983 Universitatea din Istanbul Facultatea de Medicină din Istanbul Departamentul de Ortopedie și Traumatologie
  • 1979 Universitatea din Istanbul Facultatea de Medicină
    • Asociația medicală din Turcia
    • Tozun R., Hamzaoglu A., Pinar H., Seyhan F.: Complete subtalar release in club-feet. J. of Foot Surgery 29(5): 436-438, 1990.
    • Hamzaoglu A., Aydinok HC., Pinar H., Asik M., Cakmak M.: Open traumatic posterior dislocation of the hip. A case report. Arch. Othop. Traum. Surg. 1(6): 345-348, 1992
    • Tozun R., Pinar H., Yesiller E., Hamzaoglu A.: Indomethacin for prevention of heterotopic ossification after total hip arthroplasty. J of Arthroplasty, 7(1): 57-62, 1992
    • Hamzaoglu A., Domanic U., Sar C., Talu U., Eralp L.: Treatment of spinal cord compression secondary to the deformity of the spine. 10th GICD International Congress, Seoul, Sauramps Medical, pp. 14-18, 1993
    • Hamzaoglu A., Sar C., Talu U., Eralp L, Basturk S.: Problems in the diagnosis and surgical treatment for King Type V idiopathic scoliosis and a new classification for King Type V curves. 10th GICD International Congress, Seoul, Sauramps Medical, pp. 65-69, 1993
    • Gogus A., Sengun M., Talu U., Hamzaoglu A.: Combined anterior-posterior convex growth arrest for congenital scoliosis in young children. Hacettepe Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery1999, 9(4): 124-129
    • Sar C., Hamzaoglu A., Talu U., Domanic U.: An anterior approach to the cervicothoracic junction of the spine (modified osteotomy of manubrium sterni and clavicle). Journal of Spinal Disorders 1999: 12(2): 102-106
    • Hamzaoglu A.: Granulomalous infections of the spine. In State of the Art Reviews, Spinal Infections: Ed: Yizhar Floman. 13(1): 45-88, 1999. 
    • Talu U., Sirvancı M., Sengun M., Gogus A., Hamzaoglu A.: Magnetic resonance imaging diagnosis of tuberculous spondylitis. Hacettepe Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery 2000: 10(1):25-30.
    • Sar C., Talu U., Hamzaoglu A., Domanic U.: Three stage (posteroanteroposterior) reduction of late untreated distractive flexion injuries of the lower cervical spine. Hacettepe Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery, 2000: 10(2): 66-70.
    • Gogus A., Talu U., Hamzaoglu A.: One-stage surgical correction of congenital thoracic lordosis – Report fo two cases- Acta Orthop Scand 2001; 72(4): 413-418
    • Gogus A., Talu U., Sar C., Hamzaoglu A., Eralp L.: Results of anterior instrumentation for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Int Orthop. 2001;25(5):317-21.
    • Unal M, Demirsoy E, Gogus A, Arbatli H, Hamzaoglu A, Sonmez B. Acute aortic valve regurgitation secondary to blunt chest trauma.Tex Heart Inst J. 2001;28(4):312-4.
    • Akpinar S, Gogus A, Talu U, Hamzaoglu A, Dikici F. Surgical management of      the spinal deformity in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type VI. Eur Spine J. 2003         Apr;12(2):135-40. Epub 2002 Dec 20
    • Akman S, Talu U, Gogus A, Guden M, Sirvanci M, Hamzaoglu A. Vertebral osteomyelitis after cardiac surgery.Ann Thorac Surg. 2003 Apr;75(4):1227-31.
    • Akman S, Sirvanci M, Talu U, Gogus A, Hamzaoglu A. Magnetic resonance imaging of tuberculous spondylitis. Orthopedics. 2003 Jan;26(1):69-73.
    • Tezer M, Ozturk C, Aydogan M, Mirzanli C, Talu U, Hamzaoglu A. Surgical outcome of thoracolumbar burst fractures with flexion-distraction injury of the posterior elements. Int Orthop 29: 347-350, 2005. 
    • Karaeminogullari O, Tezer M, Ozturk C, Bilen FE, Talu U, Hamzaoglu A. Radiological analysis of titanium mesh cages used after corpectomy in the thoracic and lumbar spine: Minimum 3 years’ follow-up. Acta Orthop Belg 71: 726-731, 2005.
    • Ozturk C, Tezer M, Sirvanci M, Sarier M, Aydogan M, Hamzaoglu A. Far lateral thoracic disc herniation presenting with flank pain. Spine J 6: 201-203, 2006.
    • Tezer M, Ozturk C, Aydogan M, Camurdan K, Erturer E, Hamzaoglu A. Noncontiguous dual segment thoracic brucellosis with neurological deficit. Spine J 6: 321-324, 2006.
    • Ozturk C, Tezer M, Mirzanli C, Bilen FE, Aydogan M, Hamzaoglu A. An unusual cause of paraplegia: salmonella spondylodiskitis. J Spinal Cord Med 29 (3): 234-236, 2006. 
    • Tezer M, Orhan Z, Ozturk C, Sarier M, Hamzaoglu A. Cervical brucellosis mimicking cervical disc herniation. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol 16: 150-153, 2006.
    • Ozturk C, Tezer M, Aydogan M, Sarier M, Hamzaoglu A. Posterior endoscopic discectomy for the treatment of lumbar disc herniation. Acta Orthop Belg 72: 347-352, 2006.
    • Talu U, Gogus A, Ozturk C, Hamzaoglu A, Domanic U. The role of posterior instrumentation and fusion after anterior radical debridement and fusion in the surgical treatment of spinal tuberculosis: Experience of 127 cases. J Spinal Disord Tech 19 (8): 554-559, 2006.
    • Tezer M, Erturer E, Ozturk C, Aydogan M, Hamzaoglu A. Symptomatic polyostotic fibrous dysplasia of the thoracic spine. Joint Bone Spine 73: 742-744, 2006.
    • Tezer M, Ozturk C, Erturer E, Aydogan M, Hamzaoglu A. Bilateral L5 radiculopathy due to osteoporotic L1 vertebral fracture : A case report. J Spinal Cord Med 29: 430-435, 2006. 
    • Gogus A, Ozturk C, Tezer M, Camurdan K, Hamzaoglu A. Sandwich technique in the surgical treatment of primary complex fractures of the femur and humerus. Int Orthop 31: 87-92, 2007.
    • Ozturk C, Tezer M, Aydogan M, Sarier M, Hamzaoglu A. Thoracic spinal stenosis above severe thoracolumbar kyphosis. A report of three cases. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol 17: 85-88, 2007.
    • Ozturk C, Tezer M, Hamzaoglu A. Solitary osteochondroma of the cervical spine causing spinal cord compression. Acta Orthop Belg 73: 133-136, 2007.
    • Aydogan M, Ozturk C, Mirzanli C, Karatoprak O, Tezer M, Hamzaoglu A. Treatment approach in tandem (concurrent) cervical and lumbar spinal stenosis. Acta Orthop Belg 73: 234-237, 2007.
    • Hamzaoglu A, Ozturk C, Tezer M, Aydogan M, Sarier M, Talu U. Simultaneous surgical treatment in congenital scoliosis and/or kyphosis associated with intraspinal abnormalities. Spine 32 (25): 2880-2884, 2007.
    • Aydogan M, Ozturk C, Tezer M, Mirzanli C, Karatoprak O, Hamzaoglu A. Posterior vertebrectomy in kyphosis, scoliosis and kyphoscoliosis due to hemivertebra. J Pediatr Orthop B 17: 33-37, 2008.
    • Aydogan M, Karatoprak O, Mirzanli C, Ozturk C, Tezer M, Hamzaoglu A. Severe erosion of lumbar vertebral body because of a chronic ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm. Spine J 8: 394-396, 2008.
    • Coskun D, Aytac J, Ozturk C, Tezer M, Hamzaoglu A. Five-year surveillance of nosocomial infections following orthopedic surgery in a private medical center. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol 18: 197-202, 2008.
    • Hamzaoglu A, Ozturk C, Aydogan M, Tezer M, Aksu N, Bruno MB. Posterior only pedicle screw instrumentation with intraoperative halo-femoral traction in the surgical treatment of severe scoliosis (>1000). Spine 33 (9): 979-983, 2008.
    • mzaoglu.: Surgical correction of kyphosis. Posterior total wedge resection osteotomy in 32 patients. Acta Orthopaedica, Scandinavica Volume 75, Number 4 / August 2004, 449 – 455. 
    • Kabak Ş, Tezer M, Debre M, Talu U, Hamzaoğlu A. Results of Surgical     Treatment for Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy. Spine ,15th November 2004.
    • Tezer M, Kuzgun U, Hamzaoglu A, Ozturk C, Kabukcuoglu F, Sirvanci M. Intraspinal metalloma resulting in late paraparesis. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 125: 417-421, 2005.
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