Our Group Florence Nightingale Hospitals IVF Center aims to provide quality treatment to couples who want to have a child with our expert physicians, experienced and educated team and laboratories equipped with advanced devices.
In the success of IVF treatment, well-equipped, high-tech laboratories and the coordinated work of an experienced team are of great importance. In our IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) Centers; embryology, andrology, endocrinology laboratories and endoscopic surgery units, a full range of services are provided by our experienced doctors and large team.
Personalized treatment is applied
Couples who apply to our IVF Center to have a baby first meet with the doctor and the team working at the center. Patients who are in one-on-one contact with their doctor at every stage are provided with an environment where they will feel comfortable and safe with personal attention and emotional support. In the first meeting, the patient's history is taken and if there are any past treatments, the necessary tests are performed. If additional tests are needed, the personalized treatment plan is started after these are completed.
The operations performed following this process are listed as follows:- Stimulation of the ovaries (Controlled ovarian stimulation/COS),
- Long protocol,
- Antagonist protocol,
- Microdose short protocol,
- Ovarian hyperstimulation (OHSS),
- Egg collection (OPU),
- Fertilization embryo culture,
- Processing of collected eggs and sperm,
- Embryo formation,
- IVF embryo transfer,
- IVF embryo freezing,
- Luteal support,
- Pregnancy test.
- Preparation of sperm for insemination,
- Blastocyst culture (transfer),
- Surgical sperm retrieval (TESA/TESE/micro TESE),
- Cracking needle,
- Doppler ultrasonography,
- Embryo freezing (Cryopreservation),
- Embryo transfer,
- Pregnancy Test
- Hormone analysis,
- Hormone suppressant drugs,
- In Vitro Fertilization (IVF),
- Co-culture,
- Laser nesting,
- Microinjection (ICSI: intra cytoplasmic sperm injection),
- PGD (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis),
- PGS (Preimplantation Genetic Screening),
- Primo vision,
- Retrograde ejaculation test (Searching for sperm in urine after ejaculation),
- Semen analysis (Spermiogram),
- Sperm-testis tissue freezing,
- Diagnostic laparoscopy,
- Diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy,
- Assisted hatching,
- High microscopic magnification selected sperm microinjection (IMSI).
Which Departments Are Located in Our IVF Center?
Embryology Laboratory: This laboratory provides services with our high-tech equipment, comprehensive facilities and equipment. In our Embryology Laboratory; IVF (In Vitro Fertilization), which is the process of combining eggs taken from women with sperm taken from men in a laboratory environment, microinjection, which is the process of injecting sperm into the egg, and at the last stage, embryo transfer, which is the process of creating pregnancy by leaving 1-2 of the highest quality embryos selected from the developing embryos into the mother's uterus, are carried out meticulously by experienced hands.
Other services provided in our laboratory are as follows:- Assisted nesting,
- Blastocyst transfer and culture, co-culture (a method called artificial womb used in candidates who have had repeated IVF failures),
- Embryo freezing,
- The process of selecting the highest quality sperm using the IMSI technique.
In addition, the embryos to be transferred with the Primo Vision method are monitored with internal cameras. In this way, the embryo development follow-up process, which takes approximately 5 days from fertilization to embryo transfer, can be watched as an accelerated video image. When the necessary analyses are performed, it can be revealed which embryos develop better and have the highest retention rate.
Andrology Laboratory: All special tests and services related to the treatment of male reproductive problems (infertility) are performed in our Andrology Laboratory.
In this laboratory;- Semen analysis is the most important and first-referenced laboratory test for evaluating male reproductive potential and shows motile sperm in semen fluid.
- Retrograde ejaculation test applied to men who do not see sperm in semen,
- TESA-TESE-microTESE procedures for obtaining sperm after surgical procedures due to testicular obstruction,
- Sperm freezing for later use,
- Sperm preparation for insemination is carried out by our experienced team using the latest technology.