Shoulder and Elbow Surgery


Our treatment areas in our Shoulder and Elbow Department include shoulder dislocations, shoulder area muscle (rotator cuff) tears and elbow diseases, and can be listed as follows:

  • Rotator cuff tears - impingement syndrome
  • Treatment of shoulder arthrosis
  • Shoulder dislocation
  • Acromioclavicular joint arthrosis
  • Biceps tendon problems
  • Upper arm (proximal humerus) fractures

If conservative treatment (pain control, activity regulation, physiotherapy, injections) is not sufficient, surgical methods are used in appropriate cases, and we offer multidisciplinary solutions to adult shoulder problems in close cooperation with the physical therapy and rehabilitation department in our department.

While arthroscopic surgery applications are used as a suitable solution for mechanical problems of ligaments and tendons, open surgery methods are applied for bone interventions, prosthesis applications, tendon transfers and fracture treatments.

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