General Surgery


Genel Cerrahi Nedir?

Genel cerrahi, karın içinde yer alan tüm organ ve yapılara ek olarak meme, lenf dokusu, tiroit gibi daha birçok bölge ile ilgilenen bir branştır. Cerrahi biliminin en temel yapı taşlarından birini oluşturan bu bölümde anatomi, fizyoloji, patoloji bilim dallarından elde edilen bilgiler ile cerrahi teknikler beraber kullanılarak çeşitli hastalıklar için tedavi uygulanır. Sahip olduğu temel prensip ile vücudun her alanında faaliyet gösteren bu branş içerisinde hem tedavi hem de tanısal amaçlı olarak cerrahi işlemler gerçekleştirilir. Bununla birlikte, bireylerde mümkün olan en düşük düzeyde girişime ihtiyaç duyulması için cerrahi prosedürlerin yanında çeşitli teknolojilerden de faydalanılır. Aşağıda yer alan organ ve yapılarda meydana gelen sağlık problemleri ise genel cerrahinin ilgi alanı içerisinde yer alır:

  • Stomach
  • Food pipe (esophagus)
  • Small and large intestines
  • Anus and surrounding structures
  • Liver, gallbladder and biliary tract
  • Pancreas
  • Spleen
  • Abdominal cavity and internal structures
  • Lymph nodes
  • Breast
  • Thyroid

Procedures performed in general surgery are planned by evaluating the individual in a way that is specific to the individual. In addition, general surgery also takes part in some cases that require trauma and emergency surgery.

What are the Diagnostic Methods in General Surgery?

For surgery and all other surgical procedures, a program specific to the individual must be prepared with detailed examinations. In this way, interventional applications can be kept to a minimum and the healing process can be accelerated. Therefore, diagnostic methods developed by using technology have an important place in general surgery. In addition, the surgical procedure itself can be used in diagnosis. The diagnostic methods that can be applied to health problems related to the general surgery department can be summarized as follows:

  • Biochemical Analyses: Your general surgeon may request a number of biochemical tests regarding your complaints. Detailed information about general health status and suspected diseases can be obtained through analyses performed on body fluids such as blood and urine.
  • Radiological Imaging Methods: Imaging methods are one of the most commonly used diagnostic tools in health problems involving any organ or system. More detailed information about tissues can be obtained by using techniques such as ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance and scintigraphy. Another area of use of imaging methods is pre-operative planning. In particular, measuring space-occupying formations in their correct sizes and locations is critical to the success of the surgery.
  • Diagnostic Laparoscopy: One of the most important advantages of general surgery in the diagnostic phase is that it has laparoscopic methods. Also known as diagnostic laparoscopy, this procedure can provide accurate information even in cases where sufficient data cannot be obtained with other methods. Another advantage of this procedure is that diagnosis and treatment of the disease can be performed simultaneously with a single operation.
  • Pathological Examinations: Pathological techniques are used for in-depth examinations of tumors and other structures detected by biochemical and radiological methods. For this purpose, biopsy can be used by taking a small piece of the targeted tissue, or pathological examination of the entire tissue taken during surgery can be performed. The mentioned method is especially important in terms of tumor staging and treatment planning in oncological surgeries.

What Diseases Are Treated in General Surgery?

General surgery is a branch that deals with diseases that do not yield satisfactory results with non-invasive methods and that concern the abdominal cavity structures and regions such as the thyroid, breast, and lymph nodes. Therefore, it is broad enough to cover many organs and systems and is divided into sub-branches. A treatment program is followed together with a general surgery doctor who has the relevant field of expertise according to the basic health problem of the individual. Some of the diseases treated in the general surgery department are as follows:

Other surgeries in which we use laparoscopy include:
  • Obesity: Obesity, a metabolic disease that affects the entire body, can become a condition that significantly affects a person's health if not treated in a timely and appropriate manner. Various techniques performed within general surgery help individuals reach a healthy weight.
  • Esophageal Cancer: It is a type of cancer that occurs with tumors that occupy space in the esophagus. It can cause serious health problems such as eating problems, excessive weight loss and metastasis.
  • Stomach Cancer: Occurs as tumor structures that occupy space in the stomach. Depending on whether the tumor is early or advanced, unhealthy tissue of a certain size can be surgically removed.
  • Hiatal Hernia: Occurs when the stomach herniates upwards through the diaphragm wall that separates the chest and abdominal cavity.
  • Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: A group of diseases in which the intestinal structure is negatively affected due to inflammatory processes such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Depending on the severity of the disease and the affected area, surgery may be required to prevent possible problems and for treatment purposes.
  • Colon Cancer: Depending on factors such as the type, stage and spread of cancer, surgical treatment is applied at the necessary level.
  • Intestinal Obstructions: Occurs when the continuity of the intestines is disrupted for any reason. This can be caused by tumors, or similar problems can occur as a result of intestinal functions being affected.
  • Appendicitis: An inflammatory condition that occurs when the closed-end part located just below the area where the small and large intestines meet becomes blocked for various reasons. It is among the health problems that require rapid intervention.
  • Gallbladder Diseases: Bile flow may be disrupted by obstructive factors such as stones. As a result, inflammatory processes and conditions such as infection may be encountered. In addition, jaundice may occur. Depending on the type and severity of the disease, surgical treatment may be required in various forms.
  • Liver Diseases: Many problems affecting the liver, such as tumors, jaundice, and cysts, are treated by general surgery specialists.
  • Breast Cancer: Various types of cancer affecting the breast tissue are treated with operations performed by general surgery. The breast structure and surrounding lymph nodes are surgically removed and the tumor tissue is cleaned with procedures determined according to different factors such as tumor type, size and location.
  • Thyroid Diseases: In cases of cancer and other mass problems affecting the thyroid gland, surgical treatment may be required depending on the type and severity of the disease. In this way, precautions can be taken against serious health problems such as metastasis.
  • Abdominal Wall and Inguinal Hernias: Hernia problems occurring in the abdominal wall and inguinal area are treated with operations performed by general surgery.
  • Hemorrhoids: There are different types of hemorrhoids, also known as “piles” in society. A general surgeon may follow different treatment methods depending on the location and severity of the hemorrhoids.
  • Perianal Fistula and Other Problems: Various problems such as fistula and fissure involving the anus and its surroundings are within the scope of general surgery.
  • Spleen Diseases: All problems that involve changes in the amount and function of blood cells and affect the spleen are within the scope of treatment of general surgery.

What are the Treatment Methods in General Surgery?

In diseases related to general surgery, the appropriate treatment is planned after the examinations performed by the specialist doctor. Different surgical techniques can be used depending on the type of disease. Since the basic principle is to aim for minimal intervention, laparoscopic surgery is preferred in suitable cases. Laparoscopic surgery is a type of surgery performed by placing cameras and surgical hand tools through small incisions opened in a few specified areas. In this way, advantages such as less bleeding and rapid wound healing are obtained compared to open surgeries. Since the surgery duration is generally shorter in laparoscopic methods, anesthesia exposure is also significantly reduced. However, laparotomy, or open surgery, can be preferred when the specialist doctor deems necessary. In these types of surgeries, the relevant tissue is accessed through a wider incision opened in the abdominal region. Successful results can be achieved with the laparotomy method, especially in surgical procedures involving large areas. In the general surgery branch, treatment is applied to different tissues such as breast, thyroid, perianal region and lymph nodes in addition to the abdominal region. In these regions, different robotic or manual surgical techniques are used according to the type and location of the disease. Some of the treatments performed within general surgery can be summarized as follows:

  • Thyroid and goiter operations
  • Breast cancer and mass treatment
  • Lymph node surgery
  • Esophageal cancer treatment
  • Hiatal hernia (stomach hernia) operation
  • Cholecystectomy (removal of the gallbladder)
  • Gastrointestinal tumor operations
  • Appendectomy (surgery for appendicitis)
  • Pancreas surgery
  • Abdominal wall and inguinal hernia operations
  • Liver and spleen surgeries
  • Hemorrhoid treatment
  • Anal fistula, fissure treatment
  • Obesity surgery
  • Liver transplantation
  • Kidney transplantation
  • Pancreas transplantation

Technologies Used in General Surgery

General surgery is a branch that closely follows technology in order to perform surgeries with the highest efficiency. Thanks to developing technology, successful results are obtained with new solutions produced for many diseases that could not be treated sufficiently before. For most operations, closed surgery is an option. Thanks to robotic surgery, one of the latest innovations that came with technology, operations can be performed in a much more detailed and precise manner. The Da Vinci robotic technique is one of the most advanced technologies used in general surgery. In operations carried out with Da Vinci technology, minimally invasive treatment can be provided thanks to robotic arms controlled remotely by the surgeon. Compared to other methods, Da Vinci robotic surgery has the following advantages:

  • Minimal intervention and less scarring
  • Fast recovery process
  • Ability to perform precise operations with full control during operation
  • Less risk of complications

Why Should I Choose Florence Nightingale for General Surgery?

Florence Nightingale Hospitals envision providing the most successful treatment service for individuals with its expert staff in the field of general surgery. For this purpose, it has a staff consisting of specialist doctors for each disease subgroup within the general surgery branch. The latest technologies are followed and high-level devices are used in both the diagnosis and treatment stages. In this way, the most accurate approach can be demonstrated specifically for the health problem. All necessary examinations for diagnosis are applied within Florence Nightingale Hospitals and fast and accurate information is obtained. In this way, the treatment program is planned in the most accurate way and the success rate is kept at a high level. During the treatment phase, applications can be continued in a multidisciplinary manner thanks to the presence of all necessary branches under one roof. In addition to all these, a comfortable accommodation opportunity is provided for individuals and a comfortable recovery period is contributed to. Thanks to the numerous room and bed opportunities within Florence Nightingale Hospitals, the person's recovery process is followed by competent healthcare personnel. Florence Nightingale Hospitals, which handles the diagnosis, treatment and recovery stages holistically, is at the forefront as an institution that provides quality service within the framework of high standards.

Meet the Florence Nightingale Hospitals General Surgery Team

Florence Nightingale general surgery team consists of an experienced staff with expertise in specific areas within the branch. Thus, treatment is carried out by doctors with high level experience in that field for the relevant disease group. Our doctors in our general surgery team are experts in the following specific areas:

  • Gastrointestinal Surgery: It is the unit that deals with the esophagus, stomach and intestinal structures in the digestive system.
  • Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery: It is a unit specializing in the liver, gallbladder and pancreas organs.
  • Breast and Lymph Tissue Surgery: Performs surgery on the breast and lymph nodes.
  • Colorectal Surgery: Performs operations involving the large intestine and rectum structures.
  • Endocrine Surgery: Performs surgeries involving organs such as the thyroid and adrenal glands.
  • Obesity and Metabolic Surgery: It is the unit that applies all surgical techniques for the problem of obesity.
  • Organ Nakli: Canlı verici ya da kadavradan alınan sağlıklı, sağlam organın nakledilmesi sürecinde uzmanlaşan birimdir.
  • Kidney Transplantation: It is the unit that deals with the transplantation process in kidney failure.
  • Robotic Surgery: It is the technology used in operations in different areas of expertise.
  • Oncoplastic Surgery: It is a unit that allows the simultaneous application of oncological and plastic surgery.
  • Liver Transplantation: Manages the operation process performed as a result of liver failure.
  • Minimally Invasive Surgery: Operations are performed using laparoscopic surgery.
  • Vascular Surgery: Conducts operations on blood vessels. Plastic Surgery, Orthopedics and Traumatology units work multidisciplinary with General Surgery.

General Surgery and Holistic Approach

General surgery interacts with many medical specialties due to its wide range of diseases and different treatment techniques. In this way, it becomes possible to create a holistic treatment approach specific to the individual. Branches such as pathology, radiology, and nuclear medicine work multidisciplinary with general surgery during the diagnosis phase. In the recovery phase, teams work with departments such as physical therapy and rehabilitation and nuclear medicine. In order to control the individual in terms of diseases in the future, a roadmap is followed with departments such as internal medicine.

Florence Quality in General Surgery

Florence Nightingale Hospitals is an institution that has achieved many successes in the field of general surgery. The awards and certificates won by Florence Nightingale Hospitals as a general surgery department are as follows:

  • Florence Nightingale Breast Health Center has been awarded the “Center of Excellence” certification by the Senologic International Society.
  • In 2003, the first successful liver transplant was performed at Şişli Florence Nightingale Hospital.

Florence Nightingale Hospitals has been an institution that provides superior service in general surgery with its expert physician staff in every field without compromising on quality and standards from past to present.

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