Gayrettepe Florence Nightingale Hospital Anesthesiology
  • Gayrettepe Florence Nightingale Hospital
  • 1998 Gayrettepe Florence Nightingale Hospital Anesthesiology and Reanimation
  • 1995 - 1997 Gaziantep University Faculty of Medicine Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Assistant Professor
  • 1989 - 1994 Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty Specialist Doctor in the Department of Anesthesia and Reanimation
  • 1982 - 1988 Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Medical Education
    • Turkish Anesthesiology and Reanimation Association (TARD)
    • Turkish Intensive Care Association (TYBD)
    • Turkish Medical Association (TTB)

    D.Göğüş, N.Tahtacı, Ü.Öner, S.Göksu, M. KarakanThe effects of Fentanyl and Alfentanyl on the stress response of tracheal intubation. Journal of the Turkish Society of Anesthesiology and Reanimation 24:29-33,1996
    D.Göğüş, F.Altıntaş, B.Aykaç Balanced anesthesia provided by the combination of Fentanyl-Halothane and Propofol. Göztepe Medical Journal 11: 75-79,1996
    S. Göksu, A.Gündoğdu, D. Göğüş Prevention of post-tonsillectomy vomiting in children with ondansetron. Çukurova University Medical Faculty Journal 21: 195-198, 1996
    F.Altıntaş, R. Kumbasar, D. Göğüş, B. Aykaç Comparison of Ketamine + Propofol and Ketamine + Midazolam combinations in TIVA. Clinical Development 9, 2, 1996
    G. Gungor, D. Gogus, S. Goksu, N. Tahtaci, U. Oner General anesthesia in Parkinson's disease (due to 2 cases). Ataturk University Medical Journal 29.3 : 516-17.1997
    D. Göğüş, S. Göksu, Ü. Öner, A. Gündoğdu The effect of lateral position on the spread of 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine during spinal anesthesia. Journal of Turkish Anesthesia and Reanimation Society 25: 118-122, 1997
    S.Göksu, Ü.Öner, N.Tahtacı, D. Göğüş. Comparison of Oral Midazolam and Ketamine Premedications in Pediatric Anesthesia. Atatürk University Medical Faculty Journal 29, 3: 495-499,1997
    S. Göksu, D. Göğüş, Ü. Öner, M. Karakan. Effects of IM midazolam and morphine administration in premedication on sedation level and peripheral oxygen saturation of cases. Journal of Turkish Anesthesia and Reanimation Society 25: 447-450, 1997
    F.Altıntaş, D. Göğüş, L. Yüceyar, H. Erolçay, B.Aykaç. Comparison of Alfentanil- Halothane, Propofol anesthesia with TIVA. Clinical Development 11, 514-518, 1998
    D. Göğüş, Ü.Öner, S.Göksu, M.Karakan. The effect of fresh gas flow rate on isoflurane consumption. Journal of Turkish Anesthesia and Reanimation Society 27, 4, 190-192, 199
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