
Üzgünüz, Aradığınız Sonuç Bulunamadı

Aramanızla eşleşen herhangi bir sonuç bulunamadı, lütfen arama terimlerinizi değiştirerek tekrar deneyiniz.



Ataşehir Florence Nightingale Hastanesi Göğüs Hastalıkları
  • Ataşehir Florence Nightingale Hastanesi
  • 2016 Hacettepe Üniversitesi Profesör
  • 1995 Hacettepe Üniversitesi Uzman
  • 1994 Boston Üniversitesi Tıbbi Onkoloji Research Fellow
  • 1992 Hacettepe Üniversitesi Doçent
  • 1989 Hacettepe Üniversitesi İç Hastalıkları Uzmanı
    •    Türkiye Solunum Araştırmaları Derneği (TUSAD)
    •    Türk Tabibleri Birliği(TTB)
    •    Avrupa Solunum Derneği(ERS)
    •    Uluslararası Akciğer Kanseri Birliği Derneği (IASLC)
    •    Türk Toraks Derneği(TTD)
    Uluslararası Hakemli Dergilerde Yayımlanan Makaleler
    • Taşdemir I, Sivri B, Turgan Ç, Emri S, Yasavul U, and Çağlar Ş. The expanding spectrum of a disease. Behçet’s disease associated with amyloidosis. Nephron 1989; 52: 154-157.
    • Selçuk ZT, Çöplü L, Emri S, Kalyoncu AF, Şahin AA, Barış Yİ. Malignant   pleural mesothelioma due to environmental mineral fiber exposure in Turkey.  Analysis of 135 cases. Chest 1992; 102: 790-796.
    • Akhan O, Demirkazık FB, Özmen MN, Balkancı F, Özkara Ş, Çöplü L,  Emri S, and Besim A. Tuberculous pleural effusions: Ultrasonic diagnosis. J Clin  Ultrasound 1992; 20: 461-465.
    • Şahin AA, Çöplü L, Selçuk ZT , Eryılmaz M, Emri S, Akhan O, Barış Yİ. Malignant pleural mesothelioma caused by environmental exposure to asbestos or erionite in rural Turkey:CT findings in 84 patients. AJR 1993; 161: 533-537.
    • Tansan T, Emri S, Selçuk T, Koç Y, Hesketh P, Heeren T, McCaffrey RP,    and Barış Yİ. Treatment of Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma with Cisplatin, Mitomycin C and Alpha Interferon. Oncology 1994; 51: 348-351.
    • Kalyoncu AF, Selçuk ZT, Karakoca Y, Emri AS, Çöplü L, Şahin AA, and Barış Yİ. Prevalence of childhood asthma and allergic disease in Ankara. Allergy 1994; 49: 485-488.
    • Idell S, Pueblitz S, Emri S, Güngen Y, Gray L, Kumar A, Holiday D, Koenig KB,  and Johnson AR.  Regulation of Fibrin Deposition by Malignant Mesothelioma. Am J Pathol 1995; 147: 1318-1329.
    • Kalyoncu AF, Çöplü L, Selçuk ZT, Emri AS, Kolaçan B, Kocabaş A, Akkoçlu A, Erkan    L, Şahin AA, and Barış YI. Survey on the allergic status of patients with bronchial asthma in Turkey: A multicenter study. Allergy 1995; 50: 451-455.
    • Shetty S, Kumar A, Pueblitz S, Emri S, Gungen Y, Johnson AR, and Idell  S. Fibrinogen Promotes Adhesion of Monocytic to Human Mesothelioma Cells. Thromb Haemost 1996; 75: 782-790.
    • Özdemir O, Emri S, Karakoca Y, Sayınalp N, Akay H, Dündar S, and Barış Yİ. Fibrinolytic System in Plasma and Pleural Fluid in Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma. Thromb Res 1996; 84:121-128.
    • Kostakoglu L, Kıratlı P, Ruacan S, Hayran M, Emri S, Ergün EL, Bekdik CF.Association of tumor washout rates and accumulation of technetium-99m-MIBI with expression of P-glycoprotein in lung cancer. J Nucl Med 1988; 39: 228-234.
    • Dumortier P, Coplu L, Maertelaer V, Emri S, Barıi I, Vuyst PD. Assessment of    environmental asbestos exposure in Turkey by bronchoalveolar lavage. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1998; 158: 1815-1824.
    • Emri S, Bagcı T, Karakoca Y, Barış E. Recognition of cigarette brand names and logos  by primary school children in Ankara. Tobacco Control 1998;7: 386-392. 
    • Emri S, Kocagöz T, Olut A, Güngen Y, Mutti L, Baris YI. Simian virus 40 is not a cofactor in the pathogenesis of environmentally induced malignant pleural mesothelioma in Turkey. Anticancer Research 2000; 20: 891-894.
    • Atimtay AT, Emri S, Bagci T, Demir AU. Urban CO exposure and its health efects on traffic policemen in Ankara. Environmental Research 2000; 82: 222-230.
    • Emri S, Akbulut H, Zorlu F, Dinçol D, Akay H, Güngen Y, Icli F. Prognostic significance of flow cytometric DNA analysis in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma. Lung Cancer. 2001; 33: 109-114
    • Roushdy-Hammady I, Siegel J, Emri S, Testa JR, Carbone M. Genetic-susceptibility factor and malignant mesothelioma in the Cappadocian region of Turkey. Lancet 2001;357:444-445.
    • Olut A, Firat P, Ertugrul D, Gungen Y, Emri S.Ras oncoprotein expression in erionite -and asbestos-induced Turkish malignancy pleural mesothelioma-a pilot study. Respiratory Medicine 2001;95:697-698.
    • Dumortier P, Coplu L, Broucke I, Emri S, Selcuk T, de Maertelaer V, De Vuyst P, Baris I.Erionite bodies and fibres in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) of residents from Tuzkoy, Cappadocia, Turkey. Occup Environ Med 2001;58:261-266.
    • Jasani B, Cristaudo A, Emri SA, Gazdar AF, Gibbs A, Krynska B, Miller C, Mutti L, Radu C, Tognon M, Procopio A. Association of SV40 with human tumours. Semin Cancer Biol  2001;11: 49-61. Review.
    • Emri S, Demir A, Dogan M, Akay H, Bozkurt B, Carbone M, Baris I. Lung diseases due to environmental exposures to erionite and asbestos in Turkey. Toxicology Letters 2002;127: 251-257. Review.
    • Tomek S, Emri S, Krejcy K, Manegold C. Chemotherapy for malignant pleural mesothelioma: past results and recent developments. British Journal of Cancer 2003; 88: 167-174.
    • Emri S. Recent developments in the therapy of malignnat pleural mesothelioma. Indoor and Built Environment 2003;12:391-393(review)
    • Vogelzang NJ, Rusthoven J, Paoletti P, Denham C, Kaukel E, Ruffie P, Gatzemeier U, Boyer MJ, Emri S, Niyikiza C. Phase III study of pemetrexed in combination with cisplatin versus cisplatin alone in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma.  J Clin Oncol 2003; 21: 2636-2644.
    • Emri S, Demir AU. Malignant pleural mesothelioma in Turkey, 2000-2002. Lung Cancer 2004;455: S17-S20.
    • Aslan D, Altıntaş H, Emri S, et al. Self-evaluations of tuberculosis patients about their illnesses at Ankara Ataturk Sanatorium Training and Research Hospital, Turkey. Respir Med 2004;98:626-631.
    • Kokturk N, Firat P, Akay H, Kadilar C, Ozturk C, Zorlu F, Gungen Y, Emri S. Prognostic significance of Bax and Fas Ligand in erionite and asbestos induced Turkish malignant plural mesothelioma. Lung Cancer 2005;50:189-198. 
    • Dogan AU, Baris YI, Dogan M, Emri S, Steele I, Elmishad AG, Carbone M. Genetic predisposition to fiber carcinogenesis causes a mesothelioma epidemic in Turkey. Cancer Res 2006;66:5063-5068.
    • Carbone M, Emri S, Dogan AU, Steele I, Tuncer M, Pass HI, Baris YI.  A mesothelioma epidemic in Cappadocia:scientific developments and unexpected social outcomes. Nat Rev Cancer 2007; 2:147-154. Review.
    • Zorlu Af, Selek U, Emri S. Gurkaynak M, Akyol FH. Second line palliative endobronchial radiotherapy with HDR Ir 192 in recurrent lung carcinoma. Yonsei Med J 2008; 49: 620-624.
    • Hurmuz P, akyol F, Selek U, Ozyigit G, Dogan R, Ozdemir N, Tastepe I, Cangir AK, Kara M, Demirkazik FB, Emri S. The efficiency and toxicitiy of hemithoracic radiotherapy after extra pleural pneumonectomy in malignant pleural mesothelioma. UHOD 2010;20:20-26.
    • Bacanli S , Icen D , Emri S . Fuzzy approach of group sequential test for binomial case. HACETTEPE JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS 2014;43:1017-1034.
    • Emri S, Kilickap S, Kadilar C, Halil MG, Akay H, Besler T. Serum levels of alpha-tocopherol, vitamin C, beta-carotene, and retinol in malignant pleural mesothelioma. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2012;13(7):3025-9.
    • Onder S, Guler G, Emri S, Fırat P. EGFR expression and gene copy number in malignant pleuraş mesothelioma in Turkey. UHOD-Uluslararası Hematoloji Onkoloji Dergisi 2012;22(3): 181-186.
    • Ybarra M, Bağci Bosi AT, Korchmaros J, Emri S. Correction: A Text Messaging-Based Smoking Cessation Program for Adult Smokers: Randomized Controlled Trial. J Med Internet Res  2015 Jun 5;17(6):e125. doi: 10.2196/jmir.4655
    • Er M, Emri SA, Demir AU, Thorne PS, Karakoca Y, Bilir N, Barış Yİ. Byssinosis and COPD rates among factory workers manufacturing hemp and jute. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2016;29(1):55–68  DOI: 10.13075/ijomeh.1896.00512.
    • Ozturk O, Sandal A, Karahan S, Er B, Onder S, Koksal D, Maden E, Emri S. Diagnostic yield of conventional transbronchial needle aspirat,on biopsy(C-TBNA) withoutan on site cytopathologist: Experience of 363 procedures in 219 patients.TUBERCULOSIS AND THORAX 2016,64:137-143,doı: 10.5578/TT.10905. 
    • SCI, SCI-E38.Emri SA. The Cappadocia mesothelioma epidemic: its influence in Turkey and abroad. Ann Transl Med 2017;11:239.Review.
    • Korkmaz ET, Koksal D, Aksu F, Dikmen ZG, Icen D, Maden E, Onder S,Akbiyik F, Emri S. Triple test with tumor markers CYFRA 21.1,HE4, and ProGRP might contribute to diagnosis and subtyping of lung cancer. Clin Biochem 2018;58:15-19.
    • Ulasli SS, Koksal D ,Karcioglu O,  Babaoglu,E,  Onder S ,Emri, S.   Diagnostic utility of conventional transbronchial needle aspiration in older patients .EUROPEAN GERIATRIC MEDICINE 2018 ;9:263-267. DOI: 10.1007/s41999-018-0036-4
    • Association of ClassII Human Leukocyte Antigen(HLA) Allelles with Pulmonary Sarcoidosis.Esendağlı D, Ozmen F, Koksal D, Onder S, Emri S. Sarcoidosis Vasculitis and Diffuse Lung Diseases 2018;35:143-149.
    • Diagnosis of malignant pleural mesothelioma from pleural fluid by Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy coupled with chemometrics.Abbas S, Simsek Ozek N, Emri S, Koksal D, Severcan M, Severcan F.J Biomed Opt. 2018 Oct;23(10):1-14. doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.23.10.105003.PMID: 
    • Factors associated with severe lung disease in an adult population with cystic fibrosis: a single-center experience.Er Berrin,  Çelebioğlu E,   Yalçin E, ....Emri S. T J Med Sci 2020;50:945-952.
    •  Peak oxygen consuption mesaurement and postoperative outcome in patients with early-stage lung cancer. Ibrahimov F,Koksal D,Ulaşlı SS, Dikmen E, Yılmaz Y, Aksu F, Maden E, Dogan R, Emri S. Eurasion J Pulmonal 2020;22:36-41.
    • Importance of neutrophil-to-lympocyte ratio and platelet-to lymphocyte ratio in choronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations. Babaoglu E, Ulaslı SS, Keles E, Korkmaz ET, Koksal D, Emri S. Eurasian Journal of Pulmonology 2021; 23:110.
    • Performance of pulmonary embolisim severity index in predicting long-term mortlity after acute pulmonary embolism. Sandal A, korkmaz ET, Aksu F, Koksal D, Selcuk ZT, Demir AU, Emri S, Coplu L. Anatolian Journal of Cardiology 2021; 25:544.
    • Effects of genetic polymorpisim of drug tanporter ABCB1 (MDR1) and cytochrome P+%= enzymes CYP2A6, CYP2B6 on nicotien ddiction and smoking cessation. Muderrisoglu A, Babaoglu E, Korkmaz ET, Ongun MC, Karabulut E, Iskit AB, Emri S, Babaoglu MO. Frontiers in genetics 2020;11:1545.
    •    Inaugural Landon Foundation-AACR INNOVATOR Award. Birlikte Doktorlar;  Cox, Pass, Steele, Testa, Baris, Dogan, Yang ve Carbone
    •    Başkent Grubu Cumhuriyetin 81. Kuruluş Yıldönümü 2004 Yılı 81. Yılın Altın Adamı ve Kadını Ödülü kapsamında Yılın Tıp Adamı ve Akademisyenleri Dalında Jüri Özel Ödülü
    •    Hacettepe Üniversitesi Rektörlüğünün 15. Yıl Hizmet Ödülü.
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    •    Hacettepe Üniversitesi Rektörlüğünün 30. Yıl hizmet Ödülü
    •    Sağlık Bakanlığı 2014 yılı Tütün Kontrolü uygulamalarından dolayı tevcih ettiği ödül.
    •    Rotary Meslek Ödülü 2020-2021 yılı. Ankara Maltepe Rotary Kulübü
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